Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lawsuit over flag

Since when did HOA by-laws trump state law? The state law says "anyone can display a flag in a "respectful manner" as long as it is removable" so how does the HOA get away with being able to file suit? I don't
understand this. What really makes me mad about this the fact that they are more worried about supposedly lowering their property values than showing their patriotism.

To understand what I am talking about follow the shortcut to:

Show your national pride and fly the flag!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

United States Marines

This picture says it all about the Marines and how they feel about themselves.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cindy McCain won't release her tax returns

Personally I don't have a problem with Mrs. McCain not wanting to
release her tax returns. Especially since her and John McCain have kept
their finances separate.

Most married couples share their money and I am sure their marriage is
no different however in this case it is coming from to different bank
accounts. Now as to why the DNC Chairmen can't seem to understand that I
don't know.

I disagree with him that there is some kind of double standard. Click on
the link below to find out more.

Shortcut to:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Answer me this

Why as a country doe it seem like we don't have the right to do what we want with our own time anymore?

If you go online and do a search for Tiffany Sheppardyou will find a story about her being fired from her teaching job because she had a part time job on a fishing boat as a bikini wearing mate.

The principal of the school fired her for violating the school district so called morality clause! I ask how the hell is she being immoral? Answer me that?! The school district is worried that because she is a person who has direct authority over children it will affect them. I assume they mean that the kids will will no longer respect her as a teacher. To me that is so much crap.
Tell me what you think!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


At number two under ruminate is:

2. to meditate or muse; ponder –verb (used with object)

I chose the name of my blot because my thoughts are actions, and a verb is an action word such as ruminate. I won't probably post everday, but I am going to try if for no other reason so I can practice writing. If I find an article that I want to comment on or something that has happened in the world that needs to be commented on I will do so.

I will write actual essays as often as I can.

If you want to comment, please do so, but be respectful, do not curse or do anything disrespectful, if you do I am most likely going to delete it. As I said on another blog that I know longer keep, the 1st amendment guarantees your right to free speach, but not your right to be disrespectful. If you disagree with me that is fine, you are entitled to your own opinion.

Other than that say what you want.

For my wifes birthday

I took my wife out to Black Angus last night for her birthday, and we just thought this was cool.