Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama anti-smear site: 'He was never a Muslim'

"But contemporaries, records indicate candidate once 'quite religious in Islam"

So how does Obama explain the memories of everyone quoted in this story?

If he was a muslim at one time, just admit it and explain when he converted to Christianity? Why is it so difficult to do that? Is it because he is afraid that he won't get elected? Or is it because that once he does get elected he will come out as a Muslim and try to push
through Shari law? Just a thought.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bad Judgment by Obama?

I find it interesting that Obama has a series of bad judgment calls but you don't really hear much about it on the news.

If you read the article attached you will see what I mean. This makes me wonder what kind of bad judgment call will he have if he is president?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama and Taking on Oil Companies

What good would it do to impose a "windfall profits tax on U.S. Oil companies?" None that I can see because it wouldn't help the American
people, it would just add more money to the federal government.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Government Run Amuck

This news article is just another example of when the government is getting ridicules. Read it and you will understand what I mean.

You might have to copy and paste the whole thing in the address bar.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Do we want America to look like this?

An article at this website talks about how on some of the Islamic extremist websites there is a video going around that show's WashingtonDC devastated by nuclear fire. Enlarge the picture so you cam see what the terrorists want our nations captial to look like. To this website to read the article:'s+terrifying+vision+of+a+devastated+America+in+the+wake+of+a+nuclear+attack/