Monday, July 7, 2008

Are you a pedophile? Become a Muslim!

According to Ahmad Al-Mu’bi as long as you have the father’s permission you can have sex with a 9 year old female child. This is a pedophiles dream come true. People like John McClellan who are admitted pedophiles will rush to become Muslim’s so they can marry 9 year old little girls so they can have their sick fantasy’s come true!

According to an article in the web site WorldNetDaily on July 3rd the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) an official of Saudi Arabia, the afore mentioned Ahmad Al-Mu’bi , in a video has “confirmed that marriage contracts are appropriate for girls as young as 1 year old!”

This man is SICK! Muslim’s around the world need to condemn him as a pervert! Confirming that Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old girl is not a way to convince the rest of the world that Islam is a religion of peace. For me it just confirms that Islam is a religion of violence and that Muslims only want to convert you to promote that violence!

How can any modern Muslim agree that it is ok to marry a 9 year old girl much less have sex with them? How any father in Islam agrees to this? Oh wait I forget that Muslim’s don’t think of their children the same way as we do. Especially the girls and women of Islam. They are treated as property to be owned by the men!

I am sorry if any man came up to me and said “I want to marry your daughter, my religion says it is ok. “ I would beat him to a bloody pulp! Marrying a child at 9 years of age is Sick! Ahmad Al-Mu’bi in the video “confirms” that the supposed prophet Muhammad is the” model that all Muslims must follow.”

For a while I flirted with Islam as I have with other religions, however the more that I read about it the more I came to the conclusion that it was a religion created by a disillusioned man who wanted something that worked for him, not something that came from God. I do not admit to being a religious scholar. I am just a layman that has read enough about Islam to convince me that it is NOT a religion of peace.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Forgetting their Viking Heritage

What has happened to the Viking blood of Scandinavia? Is Denmark the only Scandinavian country that remembers their Viking heritage? Do the other Scandinavian countries feel ashamed of their Viking blood? Are they afraid that by today’s standards the Vikings of old would be considered terrorists and they do not want to be linked to anything or anyone that might be considered terrorists?

Because of the cartoon’s that were published by the Jyllands-Posten daily on September 30, 2005 that showed the prophet Muhammad the Muslim world exploded into violence. Supposedly it is forbidden to have any kind “graven” image of the prophet.

When Norway and Sweden were groveling in appeasement to the imam’s Denmark’s Prime Minister when he was approached by imam’s in Denmark said that their was “nothing to discuss” obviously his Viking heritage was pushing its way to the surface. He not only showed his fellow Danes but the rest of the world that the Danish people are still as tough as their Viking ancestors. Norway and Sweden seem to have forgotten their heritage which is a shame.

This short essay came about after reading an article at the website of Stand Point Magazine written by Bruce Bawer.

Bumper Stickers That Annoy

Bumper Stickers That Annoy

I dislike bumper stickers that say the following:

"My poodle is smarter than your honor student!"

Since when is it proper to say that a child is dumber than a dog? While dogs can be very intelligent, you should not and cannot put
them at or above the same level as a child.

For me it is insulting! Any bumper sticker that insults our children in that manner are in my semi-humble opinion very annoying and insulting!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Suspected Burglars Next Door

Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Suspected Burglars Next Door

When I originally heard of this case I felt that the man had every right to do what he did. I have happy to hear that the Grand Jury in the case agreed with the man and his lawyer!

What's interesting is I don't remember the news on TV and on the radio ever mentioning the fact that the men he shot and killed were illegal immigrants from Columbia. While I understand that not all illegal immigrants come to the USA to commit crimes there is still a large majority that do.

It is still my very strong belief that illegal immigrants have committed a crime by crossing our boarder without the proper paper work to do so.

If they didn't come into this country through one of the border crossings with Mexico (or Canada) they have broke the law hence the
"illegal" part of illegal immigrants.

I also believe that our government needs to come up with a program that will allow anyone that wants to, to come and work in our country on a fairly quickly basis. It shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to run background checks on applicants that want to come work in our country. If it only takes a few days for background checks to be done by US companies, there is no reason why it should take very long for the Federal government to do so with the much more resources they have.,2933,374223,00.html